Friday, 15 July 2016

Ghostbusters - review: Ignore the fanboys and enjoy this scarily good gender-reversed remake

Ghostbusters - review: Ignore the fanboys and enjoy this scarily good gender-reversed remake

Ghostbusters FILM

There was little love for director Paul Feig when he announced plans for a gender-reversed remake of the supernatural comedy that made Bill Murray a household name and was the second-biggest hit of 1984.
The Ghostbusters fanboys – who need to get out more – claimed it would be an act of sacrilege and slimed-up enough support to make the film’s trailer the most hated clip on YouTube.
They needn’t have worried because the man behind Bridesmaids, Spy and The Heat has delivered a movie that, while not as much fun as the original, maintains its spirit while bringing the adventures of the spook-hunters bang up to date.
The acting is also much better than you might have expected. In short, it’s sure to scare up huge box office sales.
Standing in for Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson are Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy and Leslie Jones, playing a ragtag group of paranormal investigators for hire in NYC.
Soon they’re called on to don their proton packs and save the city from a ghostly Armageddon – a mission that puts them at odds with Andy Garcia’s city mayor.
In a killer supporting role, a game Chris Hemsworth (Thor) plays the gals’ nice-but-dim ‘himbo’ receptionist.
And, just to see off those naysayers for good, there are small appearances from practically everyone who appeared in the first film, including Murray, Aykroyd, Hudson and Sigourney Weaver.
It’s not the plot that makes this reboot so much fun but the comic chops of the leading ladies – all Saturday Night Live veterans – who merrily bounce gags off one another with McKinnon the standout and Jones, as paranormal eyewitness Patty, also memorable.
Their characters have a palpable sense of chemistry that makes watching them such a joy.
It’s not all good news, mind, with Feig relying a little too heavily on special effects for a predictably overblown finale in Times Square and a preponderance of in-jokes that will only make sense if you’ve seen the original.
But for the main, this is about as good as anyone could have wished for. Scarily good

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