Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Home Remedies For Hair Loss

Home Remedies For Hair Loss 

Home Remedies For Hair Loss
Women and specially men, sometimes notice that their hair is thinning prematurely. There are several different reasons of hair loss such as age, menopause, genetics, pregnancy, illness, stress and other factors. People go for different solutions like they use drugs, or go for a hair transplant or fusion. However, in some cases, the easiest and most inexpensive solution is to stop hair loss naturally.

Here are some homemade solutions for hair loss that will surely help you to get long, strong and healthy hair. You can try following tips as treatment to hair loss.

Saw palmetto:
Saw palmettois used to promote healthy hair and skin. Saw palmetto blocks the production of DHT (a metabolite of testosterone) and is a contributing factor to enlarging of the prostate. As it has been shown to be effective for preventing hair loss caused due to DHT production.

                                                                                           Vitamins and Proteins:
Take in vitamins as they are good for your hair. Add Vitamins to your daily regimen. Vitamin A is an anti-oxidant that promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp. Take Omega-3 fatty acids. Foods enrich with Omega-3 are milk, fatty fish, egg yolks and fish eggs (caviar). Vitamin E stimulates blood circulation that is important in keeping your hair follicles productive. B vitamins help your body to produce melanin that gives hair its healthy color. Melanin also increases blood circulation. Add more high-protein foods in your diet. Intake of lean meats, soy, fish and other proteins may help to control hair loss.
Oil Massage:
Massage your scalp with essential oils combination. Massage promotes good blood circulation in the scalp, and your hair stay follicles active. Daily massage your scalp by your hands for a couple of minutes. To improve the massage, add a few drops of lavender or bay essential. Massage egg oil into the scalp and then leave it on overnight. Wash your hair in the morning with a mild shampoo, if possible herbal shampoo. While washing your hair, apply shampoo only once as repetition take away the natural lipids of hair leaving it dry. You should use egg oil 2 to 3 times a week, no less than 12 weeks for visible results. Regular use of egg oil is good for proper nourishment of the cell membranes.
Hot Oil Massage:
Hot oil treatments restore moisture. Any natural oil can be used including safflower and canola or olive oil. Heat up the oil so it is warm. The ideal temperature is not exceeding 40 degrees Celsius. Then massage the oil into your scalp. Place on a shower cap for about an hour. After an hour shampoo your hair.
Mayonnaise Conditioner:
Mayonnaise works in a good way as a conditioner. Smear your hair with a generous blob of mayonnaise, put on a shower cap for an hour, and then wash it off.
Ginger Juice:
Massage your scalp with ginger juice, garlic juice or onion juice. Don’t use the mixture of these juices. Only use one of these juices. After massage leave it on your scalp overnight, and then wash it out in the morning.
Hair Loss TreatmentGreen Tea:
Massage of green tea into the hair gives good result. The anti-oxidants present in green tea may prevent hair loss and assist hair growth. Prepare green tea using 2 bags of green tea and 1 cup of water. Allow the tea cool a little, and then smear it to your hair. Leave the green tea for an hour. After an hour shower it off thoroughly.
Don’t Use Wigs:
Stay away from wigs or hairpieces. As wigs and hairpieces may seem like good cosmetic solutions but at the same time they may speed up hair loss by damaging your hair follicles.
General Tips:
Always take care of your hair. Avoid brushing and rubbing wet hair. Let your hair air dry. Reduce stress as sometimes, the root cause for hair loss is stress. Put into practice meditation as meditation can help to reduce stress and to restore your hormonal balance. Get some exercise like walk, swim, or bike 30-60 minutes daily.
Here in this article you are given with number of solutions which can reduce the problem of hair loss. Try these hair loss home remedies that actually work and give your feedback. You can share your tested hair loss tips with others by sending your feeback. Your tips can help others to reduce hair loss problem.

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